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The Poinsettia Flower

The Poinsettia Flower

The poinsettia is undoubtedly the most beautiful flower in the world, its name in nahuatl was Cuetlaxochitl, which means «color of fire flower». The south of Mexico was the cradle of one of the most emblematic Christmas flowers. Its bright red petals and green leaves have colored Christmas celebrations around the world, adding to the already known Christmas decorations, crowning homes with warmth and coziness.


There is very little documentation that can be found about its origin, but there is one that keeps an estimable value, for being preserved orally, it has been passed from lips to ears during generations and it tells that the notable emperor, called Moctezuma, discovered it and picked it up from a small hill in the lands of southern Mexico, in Taxco in the state of Guerrero. The Young emperor was the one who found the beautiful flower and decided to take it to the gardens of his palace in Tenochtitlan. The Aztec flower growers lovingly cared for it, being captivated by its beauty, and used it for their winter religious ceremonies, they were who called it “cuetlaxochitl”, the color of fire flower, due to its scarlet red lighted petals.

Healing properties 

It has many names as attributes. It is known in South America as the Inca flower, Christmas star, Federal star, Christmas flower, Nochebuena flower, and Poinsettia in the United States in honor of its popularizer. In 1834 it received its scientific name, «Euphorbia pulcherrima», the definition of «the most beautiful» was included in that name. Euphorbia is the definition of the most beautiful. In the classification of plants created by the Aztec doctors, and collected by the friar Bernardino de Sahagún, he mentioned several properties of the noble plant.

Among them, the milk was used to cure skin infections, wounds, swelling caused by worm bites, respiratory conditions, or cough. The infusion of its leaves was used for women to increase the amount of milk.  It was used to make red dye and use it as a cosmetic, leather pigment and cotton, as well as coloring codex even today it is possible to see that red shade on them.

The origin of the name

The flower with fired colored petals was called «Nochebuena flower» or «Easter flower» in the 17th century by Franciscan monks, who used it to decorate the altars of the first temples, the commemorative processions of Christmas and the feast of the Holy Manger, now deeply rooted in Taxco, Guerrero, because it is one of the few plants that bloom in winter and cold weather.

Arrival to Europe

It was taken to Europe in the 17th century due to its beauty and acceptance. In the 19th century, according to some historians, they began to use it in the Vatican. The flower was part of the ornament of religious temples, in the Christmas holidays and it is known that St. Peter’s Basilica, was decorated with Cuetlaxochitl on the night of December 24th, 1899, causing the admiration of all visitors by the beauty of it.

Poinsett the popularizer who made it famous

Joel R. Poinsett, who was the United States Ambassador in México from 1825 to 1829, had a predilection for the plant, he took it to the United States and gave it his name, called it Poinsettia, the name for which is known in the United States and many other European countries, where was sent as a diplomatic present. Poinsett, who was a botanical lover, admired the flower so much that when he saw it during his stay in Mexico, he took it, to study and adapt it to the cold regions of South Carolina, particularly Charlestonville. Robert Poinsett devoted himself to growing it with huge care in his greenhouse and gave it to his Friends. Since then, the poinsettia was known in many parts of the world

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